Event details
Dear collaborators, friends, and partners,
Swe is honored to invite you to the hybrid scientific medical conference dedicated to Health Service Excellence in Romania, in the series of events focusing on three key areas:
Financing, Digitisation, Research.
The conference is called:
Digitization of Hospital Management and Scientific Research"
The medical scientific event is credited with 8 CME points issued by the College of Physicians of Bucharest and is addressed to more than 600 managers and medical staff from public and private health facilities in Romania and the academic health sciences community supporting Excellence in Health.
We bring to the attention of our participants topics of great topicality and real benefit in the fields of:
- European medical malpractice,
- Scientific research in medicine
- New ISQua and ANMCS accreditation standards
- Health funding sources
- Conflict management
Period: 30 May 2024 (14.00-19.00) and 31 May 2024 (09.00-14.00)
Location: VELVETO Corporate - 30 Oltețului Street, Sector 2, Bucharest
We welcome participants and present concrete solutions of Accelerators of Excellence in Health that have confirmed this value both nationally and especially internationally (more details on www.mediqapp.ro).
Please choose to participate online or in person and go through the registration steps at www.conferintemedicale.eu/inscriere/.
For the participants who come to the event, we have some surprises in store on 30 May 2024 after 19.00 (more details on https://www.conferintemedicale.eu/locatie/ ).
Places are limited and please confirm your participation by 15.05.2024 at calitakropolis.sales@gmail.com.
With esteem and kind anticipation, the CALITAKROPOLIS Collective!

The event is addressed to managers and medical staff from public and private health units in Romania. The medical conference is accredited with 8 CME points issued by the College of Physicians Bucharest.

Concept of the event series
The title of this series of events suggests a broad perspective on how digitization, quality, and scientific research intersect in healthcare and how these aspects can act as drivers for advancement and excellence in the field:
Digitization has become a powerful driver for improving the quality of healthcare and accelerating progress in all areas of healthcare. This transformation brings with it some valences or benefits that can be explored in depth. Integrating digital technologies into healthcare processes opens up opportunities for optimizing efficiency as well as for personalizing treatments and medical interventions. At the same time, digitization enables data collection and analysis on an unprecedented scale, leading to a deeper understanding of diseases and risk factors, as well as the identification of new approaches to preventive medicine.
Scientific research plays a central role in the advancement of modern medicine. Using digital technologies and analyzing massive volumes of data, researchers have access to unprecedented information and resources, enabling them to discover new treatments, identify risk factors, and develop innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment. Scientific research is therefore becoming a key driver for excellence in healthcare, and digitization provides the tools and platforms to accelerate this process.
Quality is also increasingly becoming an essential component in the digital health landscape. Standardizing procedures, continuously monitoring performance, and ensuring compliance with the highest standards are becoming absolute priorities in an environment where technology is rapidly evolving. In this context, digitization provides the necessary tools to ensure and improve the quality of healthcare, reducing errors and associated risks. European funding for innovative solutions in digitizing the health sector is available through various EU programs and initiatives. These funds are designed to support the development and implementation of digital technologies that can improve the efficiency, access, and quality of health services.