MediQapp digitization in your hospital, a chance to do something different in your accelerated journey to Excellence

E-learning and E-health support colleagues in making the right medical decisions for patient safety!
With the best solutions available in the industry, CALITAKROPOLIS ensures the performance of healthcare management by providing simplified time and information through easy access. After 18 years of experience in the field, we have created MediQApp, a national and international innovation for digitizing quality management, risk, and accreditation training in hospitals.
By winning the Romanian Excellence Award for Medical Innovation, along with other international scientific recognitions, MediQapp has demonstrated its value as an Accelerator of Excellence in Healthcare.
CALITAKROPOLIS is an ISQua institutional member, with national and international reference participation in several areas, mainly in Health Management, E-Learning, and International Accreditation Standards Policies and we help to make a smooth transition to Green Hospital. The ability to model for each ISQua member nation is the added value of the MediQapp solution which features AI integration.
The events in the series are a good framework for the solutions we have identified, together with our partners, to address health needs. These events bring together hospital managers, policymakers, public funders and private investors, medical specialty coordinators, healthcare influencers, and companies offering innovative healthcare solutions.